Why Won’t She Sleep?!

Everybody tells you to sleep when the baby sleeps. That’s the advice new moms get when they have a fresh bundle of joy, but what are you to do as a seasoned mom with a 5-year-old who doesn’t sleep?! I was seriously starting to believe that Anissa was sneaking energy drinks before bed. I’d heard start a routine, once she gets use to the routine she’ll be asleep in no time. So what did I do, I set the alert on my phone to start our routine, 1. take a bath, while in the bath read bedtime story, 2. lotion … Continue reading Why Won’t She Sleep?!

Fairytales Come In Color, BLACK LOVE!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Every year I feature couples that represent Black Love, I’ve witnessed some amazing love stories. I could do a whole series on Black History Facts, but I elect to feature Black Love because frankly, I don’t see enough of it celebrated. There are strong marriages in our communities, their are relationships that have and are still withstanding the test of time. I want my children to see people that look like them in love. I want to give hope to my people that love is still possible and here it is. So enjoy the view, I know … Continue reading Fairytales Come In Color, BLACK LOVE!