Living My Best Life!

Hey! I’m back! I took a much-needed break to complete additional coaching certification, and now I am back, ready to brighten, encourage, empower, and improve lives. In case you forgot, I am a coach. I work with parents and families helping them gain the skills to enhance and elevate their family life! This journey has been long but well worth it.

Last week on social media, I talked about determining what we value and what our children value. The things we value often dictate how we operate in the world around us. My values are 1. My relationships, 2. My peace, and 3. My wealth. If you follow me, I go into detail explaining these. That is different from what this blog post is about. This is about knowing what you value and using that to live your best life. Some of us are stuck in version of our lives that do not speak to the core of who we are. We stay there because it’s comfortable, we don’t know what we want our life to look like, or the work to change is too much. I am here to tell you, you deserve to live your best life NOW! Get uncomfortable, allow your values to determine what you want out of life, and make the changes no matter how hard.

It’s a new year with new opportunities to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Let’s start off by determining what you value. Are the things you value reflected in your current life? If they are, is it time to elevate and set new goals? If not, what steps are you willing to take to live the life you deserve.

Have the most fantastic time discovering this!

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