What Makes A Mom Dateable?

Tips from a few fellas I know. Ladies, variety is the spice of life so I searched within different cultures, African American, Caucasian, Hispanic and Indian.  Here are their thoughts in no specific order. (a little eye candy for my ladies) Time Management. Ability to make time for me, but at the same time still make her children a priority. Independent. Know that I am willing to help in any way that I can, but it is not my responsibility to take care of her kids (if we are only dating) An educator. She has one of the greatest opportunities ever given, … Continue reading What Makes A Mom Dateable?

Mom, Are You Dateable?

If you’re a single mom have you ever asked yourself if you are dateable? What makes a person dateable? And if you are not dateable how do you become dateable? Lots of questions and maybe I have a few answers. Not so long ago I found myself on the dating scene with no clue how to date. It was very awkward.  I got married when I was 19 so technically I don’t believe I had ever really dated, not as an adult.  So I began to go out, if you invited me I was there I wanted to be seen, … Continue reading Mom, Are You Dateable?