Mama’s Sad! Seasonal Depression is Real!

Join me as Brittney Fells and I take up space talking about a topic that is still taboo in our communities, moms and depression. Brittney is open on her platform about her bouts with seasonal depression and as a mom who has just recognized her own seasonal depression I needed this conversation and so do you! Tune in! Continue reading Mama’s Sad! Seasonal Depression is Real!

Dear Black Woman…

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” Maya Angelou Black Women are at a unique time in history. We are winning and some of us don’t even know it. We have the opportunity to grab this world, smack it, flip it, and turn it in a new direction. A direction led by our fierceness, our courageousness, our boldness, our confidence. In order to achieve this we must realize some things about ourselves Black Woman. We must hold ourselves accountable. We must realize that it is going … Continue reading Dear Black Woman…

Tell the Truth Shame the Devil!

My Grandma used to tell me “Tell the truth and shame the devil!” Wherever she said this I knew something or someone was about to be exposed. My eyes would widen and I would await to see who needed to shame the devil. In this day and age there are plenty of ways to shame the devil. Social media allows you to expose people to invade their space and let others know who they really are. It also allows for you to live this fake life where people don’t know what you have going on, only what you post. I’ve … Continue reading Tell the Truth Shame the Devil!

Guilty As Charged!

I will be the first to admit I am not a perfect mom! I make mistakes, I yell, I am a workaholic. There are many times when I lose my patience, I have no clue how to do new math and I basically wing it when it comes to recipes and what not. I can admit these things to myself and have no problem. When someone else points them out, well that’s a different story. No one wants others to point out to them they are not doing their best, or that people notice they are not doing their best. … Continue reading Guilty As Charged!