Planting the Seed of Love!

Transparent moment: I am totally freaking out! Anissa has been showing signs of no longer being my cuddle buddy, those Eskimo kisses have decreased, and when I say give me some suga she’s started to give me this look. We’ve reached that space when your baby starts to transform into some little independent kid that only wants to be bothered with you on occasion. I knew this day was coming, it started when she lost two teeth at once and her face began to change. No longer that chubby little baby face it now has some definition where there was … Continue reading Planting the Seed of Love!

Tune in!!

Here are a few of my favorite guest and podcast episodes from the last year. I appreciate all my guest giving me the opportunity to share their story. Tune in! Click the links! No Longer Powerless Featuring Sharone Thomas Policing Our Communities Featuring Jamaal Ansari #BOSSMOM Featuring Sherita Carthon Dating After Divorce Featuring Clotea Mack Donnie Lynee Artist Spotlight Continue reading Tune in!!