Tune in!!

Here are a few of my favorite guest and podcast episodes from the last year. I appreciate all my guest giving me the opportunity to share their story. Tune in! Click the links! No Longer Powerless Featuring Sharone Thomas Policing Our Communities Featuring Jamaal Ansari #BOSSMOM Featuring Sherita Carthon Dating After Divorce Featuring Clotea Mack Donnie Lynee Artist Spotlight Continue reading Tune in!!

Sticky post

What A Man?!

It’s been about 2 weeks since my son officially ended his junior high career and is now ready to embark on a new journey to high school. This was a tough time for me. He is my ONLY son and being the main parent in his life brings me joy and a bit of sadness. I love watching my kids grow up and advising them as needed. They are all strong-willed individuals (got it honestly) and I know it’s my job to help them grow into productive, creative members of society. All the girly conversations I have with my daughters … Continue reading What A Man?!


Transparency is important to me.  I tell most of the stories from my prospective and respect that my children may not want to be exposed about some of the things in their lives.  My oldest daughter Symone is ready to be transparent.  In the video she talks about having a parent with mental health issues and her own struggles.  I’m proud of her for taking this step forward in hopes that it brings awareness to those suffering. Continue reading #IAmMental